June 28, 2022: Eucharistic Miracle of Siena

This afternoon we were incredibly privileged to adore a 300 year old Eucharistic miracle before having Mass. In the picture you can see the monstrance on the altar that holds 150 or so consecrated hosts that for nearly 300 years have not decomposed. Thieves in the year 1730 stole the ciborium from the Church of San Francesco before the feast of the Assumption. The people were so disturbed that they shutdown the city and asked everyone to focus on the return of the blessed sacrament. Two days later a man praying in another church found the hosts in the poor box at the back of the church. The Bishop collected the hosts and processed through the streets with them to bless the people. The hosts were soiled from there exposure to the poor box and the elements, so the Bishop put the hosts in the tabernacle expecting them to disintegrate in a short time, but each time they checked the hosts were not breaking down. 300 years later they are still looking as though they were just made. Each of the pilgrims were able to knee before this miracle and ask Jesus for the grace to know Him more each day through the Eucharist.