June 21, 2023: Buora Sera!

John Dinkel
Jun 21, 2023 7:46:27 PM
Buora sera!
Today we had a wonderful day touring churches, walking on cobble stone streets and we finished off the day with real Italian pizza! Although the Papal Audience was canceled, we were able to adapt and offer many beautiful sites to see and opportunities to bond with students from other schools. We were able to see the churches of St. Clement, St. Cecilia, Santa Maria in Trastevere, and St Paul’s Outside the Walls.
The students’ are starting to be moved by what the Lord is doing on pilgrimage. They are starting to create more vulnerability in their hearts to be open to Jesus. Praise God! Keep the students in your prayers, specifically for openness to graces from witnessing the Beauty of the Church and the call to generosity and holiness.
In the picture is Cardinal Harvey, with our students. He was generous enough to give our tour of St. Paul Outside the Walls. It was a great privilege to be given a tour of a major basilica with an apostle of Christ!