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June 24, 2023: St. John Lateran, Holy Stairs, and Church of the Holy Cross

Family and friends, 
It’s been a beautiful journey to experience Rome with these pilgrims. Today we were fortunate to see the church of St. John Lateran, the Holy Stairs, and relics from Jesus’ crucifixion in the Church of the Holy Cross. It was a moving experience to witness these relics and to see the students be so impacted by them. Many students were moved to tears through the realization that Jesus died for their sins. This will be a day to process and pray through for years to come.
Tomorrow we are off to Assisi! The students are excited for a new city and a change of pace. While spending some time in conversation with students, I often hear, “I actually don’t miss my phone”. This topic of discussion has been common throughout the trip, and it’s amazing to see them grow in freedom without their phones. This is incredible to hear and I hope it brings you all encouragement to hear this grace.
