June 28, 2023: Orvieto

Hello friends and family! It’s hard to believe that we have just 2 days left on pilgrimage before we come back to the States. Today we spent one more day outside of Rome journeying from Assisi to Orvieto. There we were able to see the Cathedral of Orvieto, which is home to a breathtaking façade, the San Brizio chapel that Michelangelo studied before painting the Sistine Chapel, and, most importantly, another Eucharistic miracle. This miracle took place over 700 years ago, when a priest was traveling to Rome who was doubting the true presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. During the mass, the host actually started bleeding onto the corporal. That very corporal is still there today, and our pilgrims were able to pray in the presence of that corporal as well as the Blessed Sacrament. We have a lot to be grateful for!